BLOG #5 6/28/2024

Hope and Optimism in Philadelphia

This blog is to serve as a companion piece to my latest video

Taste of Life Ep.1 The City of Brohterly Love, Cheesesteaks & Newgrounds

I highly recommend watching the video first, but you can still read this blog without it. Now that we have passed the disclaimer, I want to talk about my trip to Philly and what it means to me internally. This summer has been the summer of literature for me, I am by no means a book connoisseur, but having a library card and a few minutes to kill from time to time has helped me get through a few books so far. Of the literature I am reading, I find the beat generation of writing to be something I truly gravitate towards. American classic fiction has never been my favorite truthfully, the classics just don’t move me as much as more modern novels. I think it was mostly due to a lack of truly interesting characters. Sure Huckleberry Finn is an icon, but what the hell does he have to do with me? This is a similar problem many of the beat authors had.

BLOG #4 6/3/24

Choose Kindness

If you have been keeping up with my lore, you should know that I have graduated college and have sense been working a marketing job. The gig is good, it keeps me busy and the marketing team in the office is filled with some of the coolest guys around. Truth be told, I would have not taken that job if it wasn’t for my liking to them based on my past internships and experiences with them. During my first two weeks of work, I have started to notice the differences between being a student and being a true adult. My perspective on life itself has changed so drastically.

BLOG #0.2 4/6/2024

Music Comics & Coding

I have a lot of updates to this site, as I learn more about HTML coding. I am very excited to show y'all my plans. in this new "zero" blog :)

BLOG #3 4/2/2024

Marketing Network Event Notes & Reflection

Recently I have been blessed with an opportunity to speak to many people in the marketing industry. First, I would like to thank VCU and every teacher, faculty, and professional involved in ensuring this happened. I had a great time and I learned so much. In this short blog post, I would like to give you my reflections and main takeaways from the event.

BLOG #2 3/4/2024

Confidence is reassurance, not entitlement

Good day to everyone reading this. First I would like to shout out myself for making it, I am the best this is my website, this is my blog and nobody is doing it like me in 2024, I am soooo go—*INCORRECT BUZZER SOUND*. Okay now for real though, hello everyone thank you so much for reading my blog today on my new website. I am still very much excited about everything right now, but today I would like to speak on the dangers of not understanding what true confidence is.

BLOG #1 2/10/2024

Cinema Outside the big screen

As of late, I have been a huge fan of films and movies. I am borderline a film buff, the only difference between me and them is that I don't pay for letterbox pro hahaha. the word cinematic means a lot to me because to me it means larger than life. and as someone alive, I can say that being larger than life means it is HUGE. The art of being cinematic in movies is hard enough, but to translate that feeling into other art forms is just jaw-droppingly impressive. Today I would like to shine the spotlight on some of my favorite cinematic pieces of work that aren't movies.

BLOG #0.1 3/3/2024

Welcome to the new blogsite

The most important thing for me is the pursuit of freedom. This website is a fresh start for me, I will be posting my blogs and annoucnments here. I hope you enjoy watching this half as much as I enjoy making it :D

(ARCHIVE) 12/21/23

Mousa's official top 10 albums of 2023

Despite my disappointment in some albums, I found many new albums this year that I genuinely love. If some of these albums dropped in other years they might even be my AOTY for them, so ranking them this year has been hard. For this list, I am ranking off my personal enjoyment of each album, so I don't expect everyone to agree with my list, but that is what makes music fun, I enjoy talking about what I like far more than what I don't like, I also enjoy hearing what you like as well, even if I don't have it on my list I am curious to know what did yall spin this year. anyways ramble out the way let's get into the list

(ARCHIVE) 12/20/23

Albums that disappointed me 2k23

2023 was a pretty unusual year for me while I enjoyed many albums from artists I don't usually bump, the artists I do bump just ended up disappointing me. lets not dabble here too long we all know how this goes...

(ARCHIVE) 12/19/23

Albums that went under your radar in 2023

Before I get to my official top 10 list I would like to shout out a few projects that I feel deserve some love and recognition. now let's not ramble too much and jump right into the list!

(ARCHIVE) 12/19/23

Low key fw yogurt

"Twelve grams of protein is nice... I often crush up my Oreos and put them in there to add some flavor when I'm feeling devilish, ya ever had that Danny?" "huh -wha did I miss something" Danny abruptly muttered. "You did it again didn't you, I knew this was going to be hard for the both of us but lately it feels like you're not even here anymore," she said as her eyes shifted to the couch that used to seat her husband. "I understand why you did it ya know, I too wish I could turn my brain off and forget the world, but baby you have people who care about you, people who you spent years building relationships with are you really going to throw all that away just because you're in a mood". Danny would groan but say no more, for what he lacked in language he made up for in tone. "I see, I'll give you your space tonight, but we need to make a decision soon we can still fix it ya know," she spoke as she walked to the bedroom. The night would end like all nights do for Danny, with shitty cable TV and cheap liquor. This is a cycle that has been consuming him for 3 months now since the surgery. As for the money, he no longer needed to worry about it, as long as nothing changed in his life he would be more than well off.

(ARCHIVE) 10/31/23

"What's your favorite scary movie!?"

"Well, Mr. Ghostface I'm glad ya asked, scary movies have been a bit of an infatuation for me as of late and this October was filled with a few watches of some old classics as well as some fresh blood in the world of horror. If you don't mind I would like to talk about the medium as a whole I hope it's not too late for a Halloween special. My love for the genre is actually rather newfound, I actually used to really hate horror movies, and for a good reason too. That reason is that I was a literal CHILD and I was scared. As a kid, I would only watch comedies, but whenever I would get a glimpse of the taboo known as horror I would always be filled with regret. Just like the cat, I too was killed by my own curiosity every so often I would find myself peaking clips or watching scenes on YouTube or behind the couch as my dad would idly watch some C-list horror movie edited down to fit a cable airing. Things like "Final Destination" and "The Ring" really scared me as a child, and I know this isn't technically a horror movie, but "The Good Son" also scared me so bad as a kid that I would end up praying like 8 times in a row that my mom would not throw me off a cliff. (*writer note, my mom is a good person and wouldn't throw me off a cliff), but it was the ideas that these films presented to my young mind that generated such fear. the idea that anything can go wrong at any given moment, or that your own family will let you go are real fears that people have and these films portray them, well I would say they portray them well, but on rewatch I have come to a conclusion that most of these films don't portray them good at all. What scared me as a child just bores me as an adult, (The Good Son is still a good movie, but it's not scary anymore), I have come to realize that when it comes to horror films I was born in the wrong generation.

(ARCHIVE) 8/22/23

End of Summer 2k23

Hello everyone, I am currently writing this during the first day of my senior year of college. I am currently in between classes, and I have been struck by both inspiration and nostalgia for the summer that has just ensued upon me. Now if you recall at the beginning of summer, I made a blog post about why I am excited about the summer and what I want to do. heading into the summer I was mostly excited about, Bonnaroo, California, and just spending time at home doing normal things like museums and concerts. I am happy to report that I did and enjoyed all of that and then some more!

(ARCHIVE) 7/28/23

Utopia: first impressions

Well the day has finally come, Travis Scott has finally dropped Utopia and with the wait came huge expectations from not only me but the rap fanbase as a whole, did he deliver? In my opinion, HE 100% DID and right now I would like to share a few moments and things that really stood out to me. This isn't a review or a deep dive, I just want to share my initial thoughts.

(ARCHIVE) 7/12/23

Tisakorean an Ode to Silliness

Tisakorean is an artist that I was put on to rather recently. Back in May, I went to New York for his concert because my friends invited me. Before the concert, I only knew a few of his songs and thought nothing of him. I viewed the concert as an opportunity to travel and get drunk with some friends so naturally I accepted. The concert though was more than I could have imagined it opened with a great set by Dazegxd which was elite off-rip, then when Tisa came on stage I felt a new energy take me. Usually at concerts im either lit, sad, raging, or dancing. At Tisa though I was just #SILLY :P everyone at the venue was wearing a silly outfit tisa included, he even wore a hot dog costume mid-show and his hype man had an ice spice munch shirt on as well.

(ARCHIVE) 5/25/23

Summer 2k23 (the finale)

Despite the shitty weather and my new office job, I can't help but feel the overwhelming joys of summer vacation upon myself right now. I came into this summer with the mindset that it is my last real summer since I am graduating next spring I will no longer be on the same time as a student. Personally, I am really excited about that, because despite my current joy right now, I actually hate summer it is easily my least favorite season and I yearn for the days when I can just work and take my days off in the middle of October instead of a hot and busy 3-month timespan of being around loud, sweaty and smelly people. These flights are too damn expensive and these tourists just kill my vibe personally, even my own city aint safe considering I live next to the nation's capital and all that. Despite me hating this time of year though, I do have a specific fondness for this specific summer. Something about it being my "last summer" is just dramatic enough for me to give a fuck I guess.

(ARCHIVE) 5/8/23

Unusual Nostalgia

Nostalgia is the momentum that makes the pendulum of life swing from the past to the present. The fact that we are able mentally transfer ourselves into our own past, to experience some of the sweeter things in life is a feeling that has always been both endearing and tragic to me. In today's society, I feel that we tend to manufacture false nostalgia, which can lead to an unhealthy cycle of reminiscing on the past whilst being bitter about the future. This mindset has turned some of the most optimistic and ambitious people I know into shells of themselves with their only wish to go back in time.

(ARCHIVE) 3/15/23


Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of posts I have been superrrrrr busy hahahahha but I am back #yipeee. During my little hiatus, I have been feeling a heavy amount of numbness and a lack of inspiration. As of late it feels like all my passions have been on the decline, I have been drawing less, writing less, and making music less. My lack of production on the things I love only added to my lack of inspiration which in turn only made it harder for me to get back into them. But after a well-deserved spring break, I am feeling recharged and excited to do things again. One of the things that made me find a new stride in my life is music, now anyone who knows me personally knows I love me some music. But before spring break I just found myself not even enjoying some of my favorite artists like I used to. After the Rihanna halftime show, I thought for sure I would stream all her music but I barely even felt the itch to touch her discog. Even Aubrey (drake) Grahm was someone I felt sick of, and I know that sentence made a lot of you drake #haters happy, but I got some news for yall now! I love music again (including drake ahahhahaha). So what changed in my life to make me enjoy these things again? Well, I personally believe there are 3 factors that affect your feeling about a song outside of the song itself.

(ARCHIVE) 1/8/23

Fish & Resolutions | The Pink Fish Theory

Just yesterday I was feeding my fish at my dad's house. Due to winter break, I have spent a lot more time at home than usual, so seeing all my pets is a nice perk. I love all my pets from my loud old-ass Yorkie who is still full of life and will do anything for food, my loving and loyal cat, and my dad's socially awkward German Shepard. I love them all and see that they have great and unique personalities. However, there is one pet I have yet to mention and that is my pet fish, it is a pink kissing gourami and in its 14-year life, we have never given it a definitive name. The fish was one of the original fish I got as a little kid and has seen some absolute horror movie-level shit. I used to have a catfish that legit ate a solid 5 fish and even cut up the pink kisser. I later ended up lamenting that damn catfish when he ate my school of colorful fish that I colorfully called the skittle squad. After the catfish finally passed all that remained was the pink kisser in the tank that doubled as both a graveyard and a prison. 14 years spent in the same four corners and everyone they knew they saw die. What was its purpose for living? Matter of fact the tank they reside in is too small, when I educated myself more on fish care I realized that the pink kissing gourami needs to live in a 75-gallon tank while the tank I own is a measly 10 gal. Fish living in undersized tanks literally implode due to their organs growing larger than their body allows... yet mine still stands. This isn't a flex or me being a sociopath, I got this fish when I was just a kid and PetSmart markets Fish more as fashion accessories rather than a serious responsibility. They let me and encouraged me to get a big selection for that tiny ass tank and my excited ass obliged. The 75-gallon tank is expensive and takes up too much space, and I can't just let the fish out in the wild for it will surely die due to not knowing how to hunt. I decided that its best course of action is just to coast it out and eventually die.

(ARCHIVE) 11/18/22


Well hello again, it's me, Mousa. Now as some of you may or may not know I have been on a short little hiatus from the internet (well social media). During my break, I have decided to catch up on many things. I have decided to read more (currently taking book recommendations), self-care through exercise and therapy as well as eating better, and lastly I have been watching a lot of anime. Mostly Naruto, Mob Psycho, and now possibly one of my new favorite anime One Piece. through a mixture of reading the manga and watching the episodes at night, I have been able to get to the middle of the Arabasta arc (episode 117 in the anime). Without a doubt, I have never felt so touched before emotionally when watching tv. Oda is able to craft a world that is so inviting and truly encourages me to push harder and be better. When I see Luffy proclaim his dreams of being the pirate king I find myself gaining confidence in my own dreams.